The EU Ecolabel covers a wide range of product groups, from major areas of manufacturing to tourist accommodation. Key experts, in consultation with main stakeholders, develop the criteria for each product group in order to decrease the main environmental impacts over the entire life cycle of the product. Because the life cycle of every product and service is different, the criteria are tailored to address the unique characteristics of each product type.


The EU Ecolabel is the main instrument included in this Plan aiming at promoting products with the best environmental performance. The EU Ecolabel is a voluntary tool awarded to a product through a process in which an applicant has to demonstrate that the specified Ecolabel criteria for a particular product group are met.

The EU Ecolabel criteria to correspond approximatively to the top best (10 – 20 %) environmentally performing products according to the EU Ecolabel Regulation 66/2010 With Regulation 782, the Commission amends Annex III of the EU Ecolabel Regulation. The amendment updates the fees and calculation of fees that competent bodies may charge for their services. The EU Ecolabel is a voluntary scheme that may be applied to goods and services that are supplied for consumption, use or distribution in the European Union market. Om EU-Blomman; Om EU-Blomman. EU Ecolabel, även kallad EU-Blomman, är Europas motsvarighet till Svanen och en av världens främsta miljömärkningar. Det är en Typ 1-märkning, precis som Svanenmärket. Vilket betyder att den är oberoende, jobbar enligt ett livscykelperspektiv och med en helhetssyn när kriterier tas fram.

Eu ecolabel regulation

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Please contact us if you have questions about the use of the mark. Se hela listan på About EU Ecolabel; About EU Ecolabel. The EU Ecolabel is Europe's counterpart to the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and one of the world's top ecolabels. It is a Type 1 Ecolabel, just like the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, which means it is independent, works according to the life cycle perspective and with a holistic view when criteria are developed. This Regulation lays down rules for the establishment and application of the voluntary European Union Ecolabel scheme, which applies to any goods or services which are supplied for distribution, consumption or use on the European Community market.

Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 Regulation defines for any operator who wishes to use the EU Ecolabel the 

Additionally, the Danish environmental authorities have prepared a statutory order on ecolabelling in Denmark. The EU Ecolabel is recognized in all member states of the European Union, as well as Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. The voluntary label, introduced by an EU regulation in 1992 (Regulation EEC 880/92), has gradually become a reference point for consumers who want to help reduce pollution by purchasing more environmentally-friendly products The EU Ecolabel criteria will reflect the requirements of the EU Ecolabel Regulation with the aim to award the label to financial products with the best environmental performance.

Eu ecolabel regulation

Nordic Ecolabelling, therefor sets stringent requirements regarding forestry to that the certified wood fully meets the requirements of the EU Timber Regulation 

Eu ecolabel regulation

Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 on the EU Ecolabel WHAT IS THE AIM OF THE REGULATION?

Eu ecolabel regulation

eu Following the successful completion of the European Remanufacturing Network project funded through Horizon 2020, the Conseil Européen de Remanufacture was launched in January 2017.
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The Regulation (66/100) governing the scheme required this feasibility study before further consideration of the ecolabel for the food sector. Why is an ecolabel being considered?

Exposure to substances should be taken into  Registration according to the Reach Regulation 2018.
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The European rules for the EU-Ecolabel are described in a regulation that has been passed by the EU's member states and the European Parliament. Additionally, the Danish environmental authorities have prepared a statutory order on ecolabelling in Denmark.

The proposed new Ecolabel Regulation will operate more efficiently by reducing bureaucracy that has slowed the system down. There will also be a stronger focus on products and services that have the most significant environmental impacts and the highest potential for improvement.

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This study aims to review the implementation of the EU Ecolabel since 2000. Considering the performance of the EU Ecolabel to date, the topics investigated through this work were whether the EU Ecolabel contributes to the promotion of products with high environmental performance as a standalone consideration, what the role of the EU Ecolabel is in relation to other policy tools, and how it

EU Ecolabel for Financial Products March 2018 - European Commission Sustainable Finance Action Plan to achieve the EU climate and energy targets by 2030, adopted.